Tulip Garden Landscapes - Website Design

Tulip Garden Landscapes were looking to expand their previous website, increase their portfolio of high profile clients and showcase their diverse portfolio and skillset.

I worked with their team to create a classic aesthetic that represents their clientèle and presents high quality images of their portfolio.

Client Goals

  • Communicate value and appeal to high end clientèle
  • Showcase impressive, diverse portfolio of work
  • Expand site structure to provide more detailed information on specific services
  • Showcase impressive list of clients in the London area.

Implemented Solutions

  • Rebuild website from scratch using existing branding and implementing new design elements
  • Spanning the different areas of expertise we created 20+ pages with their own respective galleries detailing different projects and services
  • Generated copy for new pages using best SEO practices
  • Worked with existing hosting company to provide a smooth transition to the new platform
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